
Name: R.J.
Age: 21
School: University of Nevada
Birthday: August 5, 1983

visiting now.

before Hilary Duff turns 18.


Read old posts not on
the front page:
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005


Sunday, October 31, 2004

A great story...

This is a story from a kid who had previously been involved with a group called Mission Year. Mission Year is a group of kids who move into an inner city and just server and hang out with people in the neighborhood... go here to read this kid's story... I definitely encourage you to read it.

Click here to read it...

R.J. Adams at 11:37 PM

Friday, October 29, 2004

Being sick sucks...

I've been sick for the last 2 days, and I am still sick. I hate having the cold... the headache, the congestion, the coughing... it really sucks.

I tried going to vote early yesterday, but the line was so long, about an hour and a half or more wait. Yah, that sucks! So, hopefully I can go today and not have to wait forever in line... but, if I have to wait, I have to wait, Tuesday is bad for me because I have classes all day... so, we'll see.

That's all for now..

R.J. Adams at 9:05 AM

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Hey guys, I'm sorry. I have been fairly busy this past week, and haven't sat down to write. I have constantly thought about writing, but whenever I would be at the computer, i didn't really want to sit down and compose my thoughts into the wonderful writing that has become known as my blog. But, I will try to keep up on writing.

I had a wonderful weekend in Chico! It was a good time. I learned a new game, I learned humbleness in the game Egyptian War, since I usually always win but I found someone who is a quicker pile slapper than myself... but, I better get a rematch!

Today may have been the last day I ever get to see my little brother from Big Brothers Big Sisters. Since they are unwilling to start up at a new school, I can't see him at his new school. But, hopefully, they'll be able to set up the Community Based program, instead of the school based program, and I'll get to see him again... I hope so!

But, enough writing... I do have to go write a speech... It's about this asian food called Mochi Ice Cream... it's very yummy. I am finishing up my "inspiration" ice cream right now.. haha

R.J. Adams at 1:41 PM

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Bush and Kerry are related...

So, it's been traced back that President Bush and Senator Kerry are in fact related... consider me shocked! (sarcasm.)

Bush and Kerry related...

Both a part of a Yale secret society, both a part of the same family...

"Bush is as qualified to speak about freedom as former President Clinton is to speak about chastity."
~James Bovard

R.J. Adams at 11:30 AM

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Attraction Cycles

So, as I started thinking back to the kinds of girls i found myself attracted to over, let's say, the past year. I have noticed a pretty distinct pattern of progression which has only now reached full circle. Approximately a year ago, I was attracted to brunettes. It seemed all of the girls I'd find attractive in my classes, in movies, on the streets, etc. would have brown hair. Then, I noticed a distinct change. I found myself attracted mostly to blondes. I don't remember when it happened exactly, but I definitely remember looking at certain blondes I knew in a different manner than I had before. Then, around mid-spring of this year, my tastes and attractions seemed to lead me to redheads. Both in movies and among my acquaintances, I realized that I was only really attracted to redheaded girls for a while. But, now, I find myself being attracted to brunettes again. A few here and there in my classes, another specific one not from one of my classes. I tried to google this "phenomenon" but had no luck finding anyone else with this type of thing.... Hmm, who knows?

R.J. Adams at 5:45 PM

A Poem and a Rant

Check it, I was sin infected, but God's resurrectin me,
Satan's tryin his best with me, temptin and testin me,
He trys to mess with me, by addin chicks to mix me up like a recipe,
But even so, God just wants the best of me,
God's freein me from seein' girls shakin their backside,
Their booty is a ragin' temptation to backslide,
That's right, you heard it, I said I ain't perfect,
It took me a while but finally I've learned it,
God's grace, I used to think I took first place and earned it,
People also gave me grace, but I never returned it,
But God ain't concerned with so much that I mess up,
He'd rather me get on with life, but first just fess up,
I used to stress stuff I see that now don't really matter,
It would piss me off, and little things just made me madder,
But now I wanna wrestle God for my blessing like Jacob,
And shake up this world, and get them to wake up,
But first i need to lay my life down and take up my cross,
Take up God's armor, and tell the snake to get lost.
-September 14, 2004.

This is something I wrote about a month ago... as you could, um, tell from the date. I don't like the last 2 lines... so you'll prolly see me fix it sometime down the road.. when? who knows.

I am so very curious about the moment in time when someone asked you "How are you doing?" or "How have you been doing?" and you say "Fine." that it became a bad thing, and inherently means something is wrong. Because I didn't get the memo, but it seems many other people did in fact get some sort of a memo. The memo they received must have been a hoax, because things being "fine" DOES NOT mean that things are wrong. Sorry people have lied to you in the past, but have I lied to you... no, I have not.

Greed: n. An excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth.

Greed is bad... don't get greedy... it usually doesn't pay off.

I'm a brand new man in a foreign land, I'm a man who's feelin' that fire,
And it's all so clear when I'm standing here, In the peak of my desire.
~Toby Mac in "Burn For You"

R.J. Adams at 2:37 AM

Saturday, October 16, 2004

A Presidential Debate Worth Watching

With moves like the "Flip Flop" and "Bye Bye Kerry", this is sure one great way to have a debate. If only Kerry told Bush, "You Got Served!"

R.J. Adams at 1:31 PM

Friday, October 15, 2004


Having a few minutes to be able to sit down and write... it's a very nice feeling...

So, my back is feeling better... I can feel a little pain, but rest and i.b. profen are taking care of it. It's sad when you're 21 years old and are throwing out your back from slipping and falling. Oh well, hopefully it'll be fully healed for my soccer game.

I finally went winter clothes shopping, and got that all out of the way for this year. It was harder to shop this year because I usually do the shopping in Vegas, so I know where I like to go and can get the deals that I want on the clothes that I want... so it was kind of difficult here but I managed. There were some jeans for $48!!! I won't pay that much for 1 item of clothing, even if it is my parents money! Yah, I'm cheap, but for 1 pair of jeans, $48? I don't think so!

My methods class has become pretty boring. I have been playin' on my cell phone in class. In W.T. I have been playin' on my phone also, and have managed to speak multiple times and get credit all while playing on my phone.

Anyhow... nothing much exciting in my life except Krispy Kremes... I am hoping to be playing some poker this weekend, but i doubt it'll happen... oh well.

Till next time...

(no quote this time)

R.J. Adams at 6:45 PM

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Not slacking...

I promise I haven't been slacking on this blog, I just haven't really had much time to want to sit down and write, but I promise on Friday I will write some stuff about my week, and I may even provide some more writing... so stayed tuned!

Till then...

"We can climb our way out of hell, one inch at a time."
~ Al Pacino in "Any Given Sunday"

R.J. Adams at 11:26 PM

Monday, October 11, 2004

Fairly good day...

So today wasn't too bad, aside from not getting to bed until late, and being woken up at 7:30 and 8:30 by my roommates mom. In my first class, the teacher showed us a picture from his college years with him smoking a huge blunt the length and size of a baseball bat (the fat end)... so that was humorous. Then I found out I tied for 4th highest grade on one of my tests, so I was happy. My other classes went fairly well also. I had some amazing chili and cornbread for dinner... mmmm mmm good!

Christopher Reeve died yesterday... it's sad...

That's all I really have to say tonight...

R.J. Adams at 10:06 PM

Can't sleep...

I couldn't sleep... so I figured I'd transcribe this out of my notebook into a digital copy... I hope you enjoy it, and please leave comments.

I wrote this, with a moment's notice, keepin' focus,
Lashin' out with the passion of a slow kiss,
In games and sports I expect wins, no exceptions,
Revealing my pain to gain yo' attention,
Need I mention all the tension that I created,
Yet you're elated while I sit feelin' hated,
I'm left feelin' jaded as I fade into the background,
Don't need this confrontation, but I ain't gonna back down,
If her good looks could kill, I'd be a fatality,
If only it were like that on this side of reality,
My convictions and my flesh don't mesh together,
My hurts and burdens weighin' more than just a feather,
Whether or not you believe me, it's deceiving,
I need to take up my cross and wake up from my dreaming,
It's seeming more and more likely, that as I try to fight me,
I'm finding that that I'm unwinding, as my sin's blinding,
But I might see through my Lord Almighty God,
That the things of this world are counterfeit and fraud.
~ September 25, 2004

"Hooooo wahhhh!"
~ Al Pacino in "Scent of a Woman"

R.J. Adams at 2:00 AM

Sunday, October 10, 2004


Wow... So many people visiting my blog... I was shocked, and continue to be shocked each time I see the counter on the page. I am glad people are visiting, and I really plan to continue providing writings for ya'll to view. I may resurrect some of my favorites off of my poems page, and I will provide you with some that I haven't shown anyone (or very few people).

Wow... This girl is definitely a cutie and is cool after talkin to her for this first time. Kinda sassy, but I like it... gives me a run for my money. Someone I can be a smart ass with and have her be a smart ass back. I hope to get to know more of her!

Wow... So many people coming to visit my blog, but no one is leaving comments on the things I write. Below each post it says "0 Comments" If you click on that link, you can read what other people have written (only one at this point in time) and there is a link to be able to post your own comment. I made it so that you don't have to register for the site to be able to leave comments, so you have no excuses!!!

Wow... I am actually about to go do homework. =)

"We all love YooHoo... especially YooHoo with a little rum."
"Rum? What's rum?"
"You don't know what rum is?"
~ From "Big Daddy"

R.J. Adams at 8:40 PM


Last night at the soccer game I was pretty mad. The ref was making such bad, one-sided calls, and I had so many shots on goal, with no goals. So, I was starting to mouth off to the ref, and he told me "You better quit, or you'll get a penalty." So I immediately replied, "You better quit making bad calls!" and I got a 2-minute penalty. And then I had gotten myself hurt, and we lost... so on the ride home I had only two options: Listen to Tupac say F&!# every few words, or write a flow in my head... here's the result:

I need to sit and unload,
It's like my life's writtin in code,
And I can't figure it out,
So I sit here with doubts,
They say I ain't nuthin,
That I'm straight frontin,
But I ain't runnin', just gotta keep writin,
Just gotta keep fightin,
Gotta refocus my sight and,
Take aim, and no longer take blame,
Sick of people hidin behind fake names.

That's all... just kinda hammered it out in my head...

But, today church was great, and I got to go have lunch with Sarah Hall which was a great chance just to hang out with her. And in a little bit after writing this I am going to coffee with Amanda, so I am looking forward to getting to know her.

That's all... oh yah, Austin's special notebook is missing... I hope he finds it!

"Take this job and shove it... I ain't workin here no more!"
~Biz Markie

R.J. Adams at 1:40 PM

Friday, October 08, 2004

What A Long Week

3 tests, 400 pages of a book, and an essay... I am finally done. That was such a rough week, but I know if I can just get through this semester, then next semester is going to be a piece of cake: rockclimbing, snowboarding, volleyball, guitar... If only we had underwater basket-weaving.

Saturday is going to be a wonderful day... I am going to sleep in for as long as I want. Then, I am just going to have such a nice, relaxing day. I'll go to the park, do some personal reading, listen to a little bit of music, hopefully do a lot of writing.

Tonight I played some Hold'em with my roommate and some of his buddies. It was a good time... I was doin well for a while, and then the blinds just got to big and I wasnt catchin' any cards. It was a great game, I hope to play with them again soon.

Anyhow, 'till next time...

"You're a hook in your own theme song..."
~ Pigeon John

R.J. Adams at 8:24 PM

Blah... Woken up early...

Hey everyone! What does R.J. hate worse than someone bringing something up and then dropping it? Getting woken up by the phone. Oh well, I guess it is giving me this chance to sit down and write.

Intervarsity was good last night. The speaker was pretty funny, and the worship was some good stuff. I also found out about this program Read to Succeed. I think I may do it. I go and read to a kid or help them read, just one hour a week. Since I can't do Big Brothers Big Sisters anymore because they are unwilling to accommodate for a my little brother's new school....arrrrggghhh! That makes me sooo mad. It's supposed to be about this kids! Anyhow...

I decided to include a poem that not many of you have seen since I haven't added it to my poetry page. I will eventually, but here is the poem for the rest of you...

I'm sittin down and writin at midnight,
No chance in fightin back this rhyme,
Cuz this time, it's all mine and how I feel,
How I'll reveal about this girl who seems ideal,
She steals my eyes, but I'm not staring at her body,
Shocked, because her beautiful eyes are locked on me,
I try concocting the rhyme that accurately depicts her,
I hope meeting her was a sign that someone divine picked her,
I'm amazed by each word of hers spoken,
That leaves her so vulnerable, so open,
A broken vase, a beautiful face, in the hands of the Potter,
Molding her into a wonderful friend, sister, and daughter,
Her head full of fabulous, fine, flowing fire,
But I feel like I just want to retire my desire,
It'll require me to reveal the things I wish to conceal,
These dreams I have of her and me seem completely unreal.
-July 2004


"I need a getaway car, I gotta get out of here fast and far, I need a getaway car, I wanna flee what I see, wanna be where you are, I need a getaway car..."
~ Toby Mac

R.J. Adams at 9:10 AM

Thursday, October 07, 2004

My First Post

So... I suck at journals... I probably have 5-10 on different websites from the last 6-7 years that I have created, and maybe posted for a week, but stopped for good. It'd be interesting to try to search for all of them, but I wouldn't even know where to begin. There used to be embarrassing pictures of me if you google'd my name, (Click here to Google my name), but they have been finally deleted. Only Eric knew about them, but the site had embarrassing pics of him too, so he wouldn't let people know. But, no more worrying about that. =)

I will begin the lengthy process of archiving my poetry on this blog so that you can read them all in one easy to access place... and I will try to post regularly about my life on here.

Adios, goodbye!

"Scanning the room, trying not to look gloom, smelled her perfume, she's the illest daffodil in full bloom, had to presume, she was taken by the shake of her hips, shape of her lips..."
~ Playdough

R.J. Adams at 5:39 PM


Links !!!!!
Fly Away Records
My Former Poems Page
Hef's Hill (Good music)
155 College Drive Girls
The Face
Mass Reality
Homestar Runner/SB Emails
My Boss's Blog

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Past Posts

The End of One Era, the Start of Another
A Record Setting Blog...
A penny dropped is a penny myth....
As my mind winds down...
The Mystical Properties of Time.
War On Drugs...
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